Happy New Year In Advanced Everyone!!! It's been such a crazy, fun, exciting and boring year for some of us... Well 2021 is about to end soon and 2022 is about to start soon... So I hope 2022 is going to be a good year and I hope everyone has has a safe and happy holidays and same for next year... How were you feeling when 2021 started? Now how do you feel now when 2021 is about to end? Today we were learning about New year. The first New Year's celebration dates back 4,000 years. Our create part was to create a photo of us celebrating New Year it could be with our family, friends or pets. Here is the instructions to do this: Take a photo of yourself using your Chromebook. Use Remove.bg to remove background. Create Google Drawing. Find a New Year's image to use as a background: Insert - Image - Search the web or Pixabay. Insert the New Years background image and resize to fit your Drawing canvas. Insert the background - removed photo of yourself and layer on top of the background image. When ready to share download your image as a PNG (File - Download - PNG image) And that's how you make your very own New Year's image of you... Do you like my New Year's image of me?
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Friday, 31 December 2021
Thursday, 30 December 2021
Summer Learning Journey - World's Next Biggest POP Star Is Ready To Go In Action...
''Oh it looks like we have found the soon to be world's biggest pop star!'' And her name is SREELAKSHMI Yes that's right Sreelakshmi aka me is the next soon to be world's biggest pop star as soon as my song launches right about now when I post this blog post... Today we were learning about the weather and we were learning also how musicians use the weather as a metaphor to explain how they are feeling. For our create part... We had to be the musician and create a song using the weather as a metaphor. My song about the weather is a bit short. The chorus is when it say ''Oh Oh Oh it's a sunny day!'' I haven't added any music to it or a recording of me singing the song. I added Sim-Sim to the slides. I also didn't add metaphors but just rhyming words instead. So for next I will use metaphors, recording of my voice and add music. What do you like about my song?
Tuesday, 28 December 2021
Summer Learning Journey - Fingerprints Of A Thief Has Been Caught!!!
Who did it? Who took it? Who was there at the scene of the crime? If you were a cop what would you do? Lye down on a comfy couch watch cartoons and eat chips all day, Hang out and go on crazy adventures with you best Orangutan pal and investigate go bananas... Or play by your own rules as a loose cannon cop. If I was a cop I would always watch cartoons eat chips lye on a comfortable couch... Hang out with my best Orangutan pal go on crazy/mysterious adventures and go bananas... Also be a loose cannon cop who plays by my own rules. Today we had to look at our own fingerprints and learn about the different types of fingerprint patterns. Did you know that everyone has different types of fingerprints no matter if you are identical twins? There are the main three types of fingerprints they are called Loops, Whorls and Arches. People use fingerprints to solve crimes to know who did it. A fingerprint is a pattern left by the ridges that are on the insides of your finger. So now you know what fingerprints are... Our create part was to get something lying around the house that we could use to see our fingerprints. We could use Playdough, Blu-tack or Tape. I used Playdough... I got my fingerprint my dad's and my mum's. Me and my dad had both Loops. My mum had Whorls. It was very interesting to learn about fingerprints. I took photos not a screencastify. The photos are not very clear. So I think for next time I should use screencastify instead of taking photos. Well back to my Journey of being a loose cannon cop who plays by my own rules along with my Orangutan pal...
Friday, 24 December 2021
Summer Learning Journey - Ho Ho Ho I Caught Santa's Cat Christmas handed...
Ho Ho Ho Everyone... Let's sing a song Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock Jingle bells swing and jingle bells ring Snowin' and blowin' up bushels of fun Now the jingle hop has begun! Meri Kirihimete Merry Christmas... It's that special time of year everyone enjoys and it's called Christmas. Do you love Christmas? Well I do... Another one of my secrets is about to be revealed... I've actually seen Santa's cat before... Today's activity today was to learn about The history of Christmas cards... Did you know that the first Christmas cards were sold in London in the year 1843? They were illustrated by an artist called John Callcott Horsley. Our create part was to make a Christmas card for our family members. So I thought of giving my cards to my parents. But sadly they were busy and had to go to work. So then I thought of giving my amazing followers my Christmas card... Even though I can't actually give it to you guys... I hope everyone has an safe/amazing Christmas, New Years and a fantastic Summer or Winter Holidays....
Thursday, 23 December 2021
Summer Learning Journey - Kia Ora, Nǐn hǎo, Namaste, Gluten Tag, Bonjour, Malo lelei, Kia orana
What do you do on Saturday? Why do you think Saturday is called Saturday? Should we call Sunday Sunny day? Is Sunday called Sunday because it's a sunny day? Let's hold my weird wacky questions there for now. If you are new to my blog you need to know a very special/important secret about me which is that you will never forget my blog because I am basically the only person who has strange and unusual intros plus titles for each blog post that I do... But guys remember that being strange and unusual is COOL... It's what makes me be me. It's what makes you be you... We are all human beings... We are all unique and funny in our own ways and we have to appreciate for being who we are. Today's activity was to create a Poem about what we do on Saturdays... This was our learn part. We had to create our own version of our poem and to get some ideas we could see a poem created by Margaret Mahy. Our create part was to go on Minecraft Education to plan the Journey. Sadly I could not log onto Minecraft Education. So there were some other stuff to do like create it using paper and pen, lego or make a 3D version using the things you have around your house. My schedule was very busy today so I just thought of publishing the poem that I created instead. I hope you enjoy it!
Good morning, sun
Good morning, little winds that run!
Good morning, sky
Good morning, birds
Good morning trees
And creeping grass, and brownie bees!
How did you find out it was day?
Who told you night had gone away?
I’m wide awake
I’m up now, too
I’ll be right out to play with you!
Wednesday, 22 December 2021
Summer Learning Journey - Past Me Vs Present Me Vs Future Me!!!
Tuesday, 21 December 2021
Summer Learning Journey - London bridge is not falling down because it's made by the engineer Sreelakshmi!
Monday, 20 December 2021
Summer Learning Journey - Sail Ahoy Nanogirl...
Summer Learning Journey - Free Hummer for the Summer Lets Poetry Slam It!
Incase If you guys were wondering about the title no I do not have a Hummer sadly. But one day when I'm older I want own a Dune buggy or Humbug which is basically a Hummer pulse a Dune buggy... One CRAZY fact about me is that my favourite vehicle is a Dune buggy! Today for the Summer Learning Journey our task was to create a Kenning. Kennings are like a riddle. Each line in a kenning has only two words, these words are joined as using a hyphen. They describe something without saying what it is. Kenning were originally used in Old Norse and Anglo-Saxon poems. This is what I learned about what a Kenning is... So now you know what a Kenning is! For this activity we had to create a Kenning/poem about Summer. My poem is not really based on summer but on the sun. But it worked out because the sun is apart of summer. So Maybe I should change my Kenning and also I should add a recording of my voice to my Kenning. Do you like my Kenning? What do you think I could change next time? Tell me in the comments...
Sunday, 19 December 2021
Summer Learning Journey - Nap Time Sim-Sim GIF...
Sometimes Dreams Might Come True! Today I did a FUN activity... It was to take a photo... Not just a regular photo but a perspective photo. Here is a video on what perspective photo is Click Here! I was feeling like the photo wasn't enough so I thought of making a GIF instead. I used a photo of my pet cat his name is Sim-Sim. When I meant by dreams might come true is that Sim-Sim's dream is not to sleep on a mountain at night but to eat his cat treats all day. That's basically every cat's dreams I guess. But the GIF is actually my dream to sleep on a mountain at night see the stars shine so bright the first thing that comes to my mind is the word called CAMPING...Me and my cat did a deal if I gave him his cat treats he would let me take a photo of him and share this on my blog. Surprisingly he agreed. I made My GIF on Canva... Do you like my GIF? What do you think I could change next time tell me in the comments...
Summer Learning Journey - Are You Ready To Fly To The Sky?
Saturday, 18 December 2021
Summer Learning Journey - My Artististic Mind Created Into My Sensational Artwork!
Friday, 3 December 2021
My Creative Christmas Narrative...
Hello My Awesome Followers!!! Last week For writing we have been learning how to write a Narrative. Not just a narrative a christmas narrative...Our teacher showed us a video which we had to write our narrative about. The main person in our narrative is Aldi the banana who hated christmas. But then in his dream there was a christmas spirit which took him out of the house and showed him what christmas is...I don't want to spill to juice so guys can read it...ENJOY!!!
Friday, 19 November 2021
Every Being Has A Responsibility In Life...
You might be wondering what the title means by ''Every Being Has A Responsibility In Life'' Today I was quite bored. So I decided to be creative and create something on google slides. So that's when an idea sparked in my head. I began to think of the word Responsibility. Soon I realised that every being has a responsibility in life. Like humans and animals. Next I began brainstorming all those ideas in my mind. Lastly, I learned a huge and important lesson which is ''The Smallest Thing Can Have A Huge Responsibility In Life''. Check it out!!!
The Horror Movie!!!
Wednesday, 17 November 2021
What does S A I N T spell?
That's right S A I N T spells Saint... Today for RE we were learning about saints. What they did to become a saint and their life. I choose St Joseph the father of Jesus. When I researched about him I found out that he is faithful in what he does and follows the footsteps of God. He is the father of nations... For this activity we had to describe our saints my words that describe St Joseph are kind, caring, nice, loving, amazing, gentle, sweet, awesome, peaceful, father, hero, super, strong, holy, great, good, light. These are my words there is also a prayer...Check out my artwork of St Joseph the father of Jesus!!!
Tuesday, 16 November 2021
Te Raukura - The Albatross Feather...
What is Te Raukura - The Albatross Feather You might be wondering by the title right? If you don't know Well I'm here to explain. We did this activity in room two where we were learning what the Albatross feather symbolises and the story behind it...Yes it's another one of those Sreelakshmi information/education dig deep blog posts. So first let's find what the Albatross feather symbolises shall we? The Albatross feather symbolises peace and many more like albatrosses are symbolic of freedom, hope, strength, wanderlust, and navigation. In many cultures, it is believed that these birds possess magical properties that can be used in healing. In ancient myths, the albatross was believed to bring good luck to seafarers who spotted it. On my Albatross feather learn, create share activity for reading it has similar words that describe peace. Next is What is the story behind the Albatross feather? The Parihaka settlement was founded about 1866, at the close of the Second Taranaki War and a year after almost all Māori land in Taranaki had been confiscated by the Government to punish "rebel" Māori. The Parihaka people wanted no war so they wore the Albatross feather to show they only wanted peace. The white huruhuru (feathers) of toroa (albatross) are highly prized by Maori. They are a symbol of peace and used for decoration on korowai (cloaks) and tukutuku panels. The soft, white huruhuru of the toroa breast were the most sought after, and were worn behind the ear or in the hair. They Parihaka people wanted no war they sent their children to greet the english. Lastly, They all watched their homes get destroyed and wrecked. Two men had been captured by the english. This is the story of Parihaka and what the Albatross feather symbolises. Here is my Albatross feather...
Have you ever seen a rangoli before?
You might be wondering what a rangoli is right by the title. If you don't well I'm here explain. In our class we have been celebrating Diwali and making a rangoli. Firstly People in North India celebrate a day called Diwali. What is Diwali? Diwali is a the celebration of the festival of lights. It is mainly celebrated by Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Muslims and some Buddhists. Diwali lasts for five days. There is a story behind Diwali which is where Diwali is the day Lord Rama, his wife Sita Devi and brother Lakshmana return to their homeland after 14 years in exile. The villagers lit a path for Rama, who had defeated the demon king Ravana After he slayed the demon, Lord Krishna declared it a day of festivities. Now you now what diwali is...Now I will talk about what a rangoli is. Rangoli is an art of decoration drawn on the floor or the entrances of homes. It is thought to bring good luck, prosperity on the house and in the family, and to welcome guests. Some mothers in India do this activity every morning, or on a special festive occasion like Diwali, Onam, and Pongal. This is my rangoli that I created with my group. We had the option to do on our devices, paper or with chalk on the ground. My group choose to do it on the ground. My group found it challenging to get ideas to make our design of our rangoli. My group enjoyed drawing our rangoli patterns.
Friday, 5 November 2021
My Dazzling Self Portrait!!!
Wednesday, 3 November 2021
My Learning Accomplishments In 2021!!!
Friday, 29 October 2021
Rongoa Rata...
This week in room two for reading we have been learning how to create signs in our school of plants some classes have have been planting. The plant I choose was Rata. First we had to come up with a plant next we had to write facts about our plant that we choose. I actually worked with my best friend Laurell. She helped me paint and we each wrote facts together. It says ''The Rata tree has a number of medicinal uses. The bark can be made into lotion or poultice, and the flower nectar is used for sore throats'' We painted our sign red and made some colourful dots with paint pens. The hard part was to write with the paint pens because if you press it to hard you can spill the paint. The part me and Laurell enjoyed was thinking about the ideas on how to create our sign. Tell me in the comments what you liked about Me and Laurell's Rata sign. Tell me in the comments what Me and Laurell could change next time.
Thursday, 28 October 2021
My Super duper Service poster!
Can you guess what we were doing this week for Religious Education? That's right as you can tell by the title we were learning how to make Service posters because this term in school our RE value is Service. But this week it's quite different from what we usually do. This time we had to create Service posters on Canva presentation and that's not all we also had to make our slides into a GIF and animate it. Have you ever made a Service poster before tell me in the comments? Did you like my Service poster tell me in the comments what you really liked about my Service poster and what I could change next time?
Thursday, 30 September 2021
My MAGNIFICENT Hoiho artwork
Fun new activity in art!!! Two weeks ago in Ruma Rua we have been doing art of New Zealand native birds like the Tui, Fantail and Kiwi. We each had to choose a bird to draw I picked the Hoiho also known as in english yellow eyed penguin. Here's a very interesting fact about them. Did you know that the colour yellow in there eye is caused by a chemical called carotene which is also high in vitamin A? In the past few weeks in our class we have been learning about geometric shapes in maths. So we decided to draw geometric shapes inside our NZ native bird drawings. For the background we used a circle to make a moon in the back of our birds to make the legs, head or body stand out. What is your favourite NZ native bird tell me in the comments? Then we had to colour the background using a cue tip to go around the moon because if you use a paint brush it can get in the moon and for the rest after using the cue tip do it with a paint brush so it will be quicker. Tell me in the comments if you like my artwork...!!!
Tuesday, 28 September 2021
Life, Fear and Success...speech...
Today in Ruma Rua we have been learning about how to write speeches. My speech topic is about Life, Fear and Success. It’s about one whole topic which is life. But in life the things you have to do to become successful and how to overcome fear and follow your dreams. Sadly I didn’t make it in the speech finals. I wanted to make my speech different from others. That's why I decided to make this speech. Do you like my speech? Tell me in the comments.
Life, Fear and Success
Have you ever thought how we could get rid of fear? Have you ever thought how we could get rid of fear and bring success instead? Have you ever thought how we could get rid of fear and bring success instead and live a good life? I genuinely believe that in life we should follow our dreams to become successful by facing challenges without fear. Then, each one of you will definitely reach your destination.
Firstly, I would like to bring your attention to our life. In life, we do things we wish we had never done, some we wish we could replay a million times in our heads but they all make us who we are and in the end they shape every detail about us. If we were to reverse any of them, we wouldn’t be the person we are. So just live, make mistakes, have wonderful memories, but never ever second guess who you are. Where you have been, and most importantly where it is you are going.
Saturday, 25 September 2021
Do you know a good way to look after the environment without plastic getting in the way?
Kia ora, Kumusta, Bonjour, Kia orana, and greetings to you all it's been such a long time since I've done any blog posts that's why I'm doing a blog post today it's about how to make the world a better place without plastic getting in the way. For this activity we had to make some slides and do a drama we had get into groups of four or five for this. The people in my group were Zara, Ruby, Emma and Laurell we are the first to finish our drama slides and I'm the first to blog about it. Have you ever done a drama in your life? tell me in the comments what I and my group could change next time and what you enjoyed about this blog post...
Wednesday, 15 September 2021
My amazing social justice week poster!
Have you ever made a social justice week poster before? That's what we were doing... all of us had to create some social justice week posters. This is my awesome poster about social justice week. Tell me in comments what you liked about my poster. First of all we had to find some cards with holy bible quotes that jesus said and put them on our posters and create a vibrant background that stands out. I have been learning about the holy bible quotes that Jesus said. Tell me in the comment what I could change next time... Have you ever heard of some quotes that Jesus said in the holy bible?
Tuesday, 14 September 2021
Is mr wolf guilty of first degree murder in the story of little red riding hood?
Have you ever heard of the story of little red riding hood before? Well in the story little red riding was walking in the woods one day to visit her sick grandmother with some food while she was walking she met a wolf who wanted to know where she was going so he asked where she was going little riding hood told the I'm going to visit my grandmother then the wolf asked where does your grandmother live little riding hood told her grandmothers address. If that didn't happen she wouldn't of got eaten and her grandmother to. Then the huts man herd little red riding hood scream and killed the wolf so he's the one who actually murdered. Because little red riding hood and grandmother were still alive in wolf's tummy. This story is originated from germany where the brothers of Grimm wrote this story. It is said that people can only shoot wolves in germany if they cause any damage such as eat sheep's destroy property if not it is illegal. In my opinion I think the wolf in the story of little red riding hood has not committed first degree murder. What do you think tell me in the comments?...
Thursday, 9 September 2021
My Best Saint...
Another fun activity awaits today we have been learning about Saints. For this activity we had to go on google drawings and create a poster about our Saint. My saint is Saint Francis of Assisi. Did you know that Saint Francis can talk to animals? I enjoyed finding interesting facts about Saint Francis and making him. I found it a little difficult to research facts about my Saint. I would really appreciate it if you would comment on what I could change next time. What did you like about my poster?...
Tuesday, 7 September 2021
Facts about sea turtles and my new friend blossom...
Are you ready to meet my new friend blossom she's really friendly and she's a turtle...But blossoms not any ordinary turtle she's a magical turtle...So Today we had to draw a turtle and write facts about them. My turtle is very cute. We had to draw with a pencil but I drew with a pen I was challenging myself and we also had to watch a video to draw but I watched the video without putting the sound on. Next we had colour our turtle I used the tip of hair a brush to dip some nail polish instead of using felts crayons or any other things because I didn't have any. I still managed to do a good job though.
Monday, 6 September 2021
A Compassionate Friend Forever… speech…
In my opinion I think that dogs have greater qualities than cats. Through this piece of writing, I will outline three arguments that will support my thinking and convince you to side with me.
Firstly, Dogs have greater qualities than cats. They are trustworthy and they can follow their master commands. Unlike cats who follow their own rules. Dogs are very useful, they can be used in police forces and they have a great sense to hunt down hidden items. Scientists guess that the sense of dog's smell is somewhere between 10,000 to 100,000 times more critical than ours. Cats can sense it but they aren't as accurate as dogs.
Secondly, Dogs are not only friendly but also act as a guard of our home. Dogs provide security day and night from thieves and criminals because of their highly intense hearing sense quality. Dogs are very intelligent and they can notify if there is any unusual incident such as fire by barking.
Lastly, Dogs are very affectionate and love the company of human beings. In some instances, dogs are taking care of kids and protecting them from any hazards. If you are alone, dogs give you a great companionship and they are very friendly too...Therefore, based on the facts outlined above, I strongly agree that dogs have greater qualities than cats.
Are you a cat fan or a dog fan?
It's confusing when someone asks you do like cats better or dogs? It's also pretty challenging when someone says to you that you can only pick one...But remember that dogs and cats have their own qualities. For me I'm actually obsessed with cats but I also like dogs too...In my next blog post it will be a writing/speech about why I think that dogs are better than cats. As much as I love dogs I love cats more...Do you have dog or cat tell me down in comments?...We learning about persuasive writing how to convince someone what you believe what you think and for them to take action in what you say...Tell me in the comment what I could change next time...
Thursday, 2 September 2021
Forgetting your time tables easily?
Don't worry I'm here to help with that so just go onto my blog any time and click this and you'll memorise your time tables forever with this helpful chart. It has one time tables to ten time tables. When I first learned my time tables I kept forgetting has that ever happened to you? Also what age did you learn your tables I learned mine at seven years old and now look me ten year old pro at multiplication well not exactly pro but close enough. Here's the link to a multiplication song. Don't be sad if you don't know multiplication or other things because I know one person in the world who has hard time learning and that's Sim-Sim my cat...It takes forever to fit it into his brain...''Remember that you need to believe in yourself to achieve''...
A Lovely Messenger On Your Way To Convey My Message...
The main purpose of letters were to send information, news and greetings. I felt letters convey your feelings and expressions better than other mediums of communication. Some people keep letters as a treasure in the memory of their loved ones. Here, I have sent a letter to all my lovely friends through my messenger who is a beautiful pigeon, hope you all enjoy by reading it.
Tuesday, 31 August 2021
Ready to learn about the Paralympics?
Beep Beep next stop the Paralympics. Have you ever heard about the paralympics before? The paralympics is where disabled athletes show their AMAZING talents no one is perfect everyone is different special and unique in their own funny ways. Remember that you need to believe in yourself to achieve. The paralympics is full of incredible athletes with special gifts. Can you think of one special gift that you have? It can be the tiniest thing like having food a loving family for this wonderful day shelter under your head. In fact I'm very thankful that I have all these great things a loving family food this wonderful day and some Great friends.
Monday, 30 August 2021
Are You A Genius Maths Master...
Transformation of my cat into a killer whale/killer whale facts
Here's a great idea for costume why don't you turn your pet into an animal or you. Today we had to research facts about an animal there were books based on our reading difficulty the book that I got was killer whales. Did you know that killer whales eat other whales to crazy right? This is my facts and information slides about killer whales also you can get to see a hilarious/outrageous creation of Sim-Sim my cat being turned into a killer whale. I found it difficult to transform my cat into a killer whale. I found trouble-free to find facts and information about killer whales. Please tell me in the comments what you enjoyed about this and what I could change/work on next time. I hope you enjoy it...
Thursday, 26 August 2021
Day in my life lockdown journal
How can you help sea life?
Here we go again another FUN! lock down learning task... This time we had to learn about how we can protect sea life and why sea life is very important. If you have seen my latest blog post it would of been ''Earth friendly composting''. Just like that we did a new one about sea life. Every year a lot of waste and plastic have been killing the marine animals just like us humans we have homes to live in but sea life and the wild sometimes don't have any shelter at all. So we should all stop doing that and now reuse the plastic to make something useful. You could make a plastic bottle into a bird feeder maybe somewhere to put plants in and grow them. There are hundreds of things we can reuse out of unwanted things. Here is my slide show of how we can all save sea life.
Wednesday, 25 August 2021
Earth friendly composting
Have you ever wondered that by doing Composting it provides us with such good nutrient foods?
What is it?
Instead of throwing old banana peels and rotten fruits and vegetables, have you tried using compost? It's not only good for throwing away old stinky food but it’s also good for the environment. Composting is an environmentally good way for nature.
How is it made?
In our everyday lives we eat lots of protein food like vegetables and fruits that are very healthy. Those healthy foods are made from compost. Bugs and worms produce compost which usually looks like dirt. Bugs and worms are special and they play a very big role in our ecosystem. They are the decomposers whose jobs are to break down dead old organisms making lots of nutrients available to the primary composers. The foods inside the compost have a colour combo usually they are green for vegetables, fruits and brown for leaves/hay.
The benefits of composting
Not only do we get protein food but they also get protein food as well because the old food we give to the earth’s friendly decomposers are eaten by themselves and our food is protein to them so it's like an equal deal we get protein food and so do they.
We should be very thankful for the everyday food that is provided by our earth's friendly decomposers and all the others. So remember to think about who helped us provide the lovely vegetables, plants and fruits.
Have you seen any magic recently here we go!
Monday, 23 August 2021
Most friendly and highly intelligent marine mammals in the sea world...
Are you ready because I am, I'm about show the Most friendly and highly intelligent marine mammals in the sea world...One of them is dolphins. That's what I'm researching about. Dolphins can learn very fast they are very quick learners. They can do all sorts of tricks and can also be a little cheeky sometimes but they have a very sweet personality but once they get to know you they will be very attached to you. Dolphins love fish do you love fish? us humans drink water to be hydrated dolphins on the other hand eat fish to be hydrated the fish is like water to them. Dolphins are very nice and friendly to all if you be nice to them they will be nice back to you. I found it difficult to write all the facts in and I found easy to get information. Please tell me in the comment if you enjoyed seeing this and what I should change next time.
Have you ever seen a unicorn cat and bunny human?
Today Sim-Sim my cat and me took some funny photo of us I was bunny human and Sim-Sim was a unicorn cat. Sim-Sim had a horn on his head and he looked a unicorn he was actually supposed to to be a bunny but one of his fake bunny ear fell of and the other bunny was leaning in the middle so he kind of looked like a unicorn cat not a bunny cat. It was a little hard to take a photo of him because he kept moving and didn't want to be in the photo especially with the unicorn horn on his head. The end was the best part I could look at the photo and finally take the unicorn horn of Sim-Sim so he wouldn't stop scratching his unicorn horn and meowing.
Fly high in the sky can you guess what it is?

Sunday, 22 August 2021
''We need to break the chain''
Today, I would like to give a special blog post that is ''We need to break the chain''. We need to save and protect our nation and world from this pandemic. First of all, we should be very grateful for the healthcare facilities that we all have and getting optimum care to those who needed on time. Secondly, those people who don't have all the amenities which we have, so we should donate to charity and think about those poor who are underprivileged. Therefore, we should make sure that not to waste it because everything has its own value, no matter what. We are going through a hard time but I promise you that it will be worth in the end, if we follow the instructions given by our government to protect our folk from this pandemic. We need to make our earth a better place for us to live. I am so thankful for the people who understand the situation and take appropriate actions by getting immunized and isolating themselves those who have been close contact with Covid-19 case. I am really proud of our frontline workers who works 24/7 for our well-being. Please each and everyone of you make our earth/nation a better place by social distancing, hand washing, using sanitizers and wearing masks, that's the only thing I wish you all do without any hesitations. We can follow and definitely we can break the chain together...Then, we all have a safe and happy earth:)...
Friday, 20 August 2021
Adorable Minecraft baby Panda
A new adventure awaits today...Are you ready to find out what is. This week we had a lot of tasks we could do one of them was this that I'm about show you we could make an animal on minecraft make it's habitat and food that it eats the animal I choose was a panda. I made my black and white baby panda with bamboo for it to eat. My panda has a red heart in the middle which says little cute panda cub...Pandas are one of my top four favorite animals. In my opinion I think that pandas are cute, cuddly, warm, and furry with a loving heart. Please tell me in the comments if you enjoyed seeing my minecraft baby panda also please give me some feedback on what I could change next time. I hope you enjoy it...
Are you ready to see my creative art in word cloud?
Thursday, 19 August 2021
Have you seen a Jigsaw planet before?
My Masterpiece Prayer Space...
Wednesday, 18 August 2021
Keen to know about robots?
In Ruma Rua we have been learning about robots and we designed our very own robots. My robot is a waiter drone it's name is Drono. Drono is a very active waiter drone who serves people food in restaurants. The reason why I made Drono is because waiter sometimes get tired and stressed out when doing their work also not many people like being waiters and robots like Drono never get tired of doing work that's what robots are made for. Drono the drone can fly, talk, and get their order Drono has a stand on top and it's secured properly so that the food and plate can't fall off. Drono always has a bright smile on his face entertains the customers with his beautiful lovely eye catching colour that glows like stars in the night. I would appreciate it if you could please comment on what I could change next time Thank you...
Friday, 13 August 2021
Bee Factual
In Ruma Rua we have been learning about bees. I learnt that bees are from the Apidae family also known as the insect family. We learnt this for reading and writing. If a bee stings you the bee will die and the abdomen will come off with the stinger. My learning went well. It was easy to find facts but a little hard to record the facts on my slides. If you please comment on what did well and I could change next that would be really sweet.
A sweet business
We were learning about bees for reading and writing so we read this book about bees in our groups. How the bees pollinate the flowers and why they are so important in this world and also the different stages of a bee. My learning went great. The only thing found very difficult was finding facts and making it into words. But I still managed to do it. Please feel free to comment on what I could change next time.
Tuesday, 10 August 2021
The land of the rising sun art work
Have you ever seen an art work of the rising sun well last week in class we have been learning about Japan so we did an art work of the rising sun. The big tower is called a pagoda a pagoda is like a temple. People pray in it to bring good luck to their countries and the world.
Thursday, 5 August 2021
Mind blowing facts about Japan you never known about...
Sunday, 1 August 2021
My Faith poster...
In Ruma Rua we have been learning about Faith in R.E this week. When I think of Faith I think of a guiding light that shows you the right path to go and do. Faith is like a wifi signal. Learning about Faith made me really interested and made me want to know a lot more stuff that I didn't know about Faith already. I also learned that there is only one leader that can rule the world and planet that is only God. He has all the right to do and rule our kingdom the world.
I would really appreciate it if you could comment on what I could change next time please feel free to comment on any of my blog posts.
Thursday, 29 July 2021
Have you ever wanted to know all about the Olympics?
Well I'm here to solve your problem when you want to know about Olympics. Today I will show you a very quick way to learn lots of facts about the Olympics. Check this blog post and you will get all the detail you need to know. In this blog post there is past/Ancient Olympics and present Olympics. And also you could get to see so amazing Mascots that move like robots. They are very active and can use body language to talk one another. If you want find out more check my blog post.
Thursday, 8 July 2021
Have you ever seen or used a water rocket?
Do you know what a water rocket is? Today in class for science we are going to launch a water rocket into the air. I think that rocket will go five meters in the sky. Because of the water in the in the bottle will push up because of the air pumped in the bottle. The force of the rocket was very strong causing the air to escape and the water to go down. The aqua pod helped the bottle stay in place it is a very useful launch pad for water rockets. We used a pump to fill the air in. The water in the bottle was one third full of water. Our first launch off was not very successful.
We used the pump and pushed the pump with our feet eight times. We did a second attempt. Our second attempt was way more better than our first because it didn't work. The water bottle went about eight meters nearly about so close to ten. There was also a third attempt where we went even higher than before. We went thirty meters high into the sky. We had to pull the string for the rocket to go. We had so much fun doing this with our buddy class and our teacher.
Monday, 5 July 2021
My mini Golf Hole perimeter area measurement
This week we created a mini golf perimeter so we can learn to measure. This my mini golf perimeter. The perimeter is the distance. The area is the land inside. The par is how many hits it takes to go inside the hole.
Wednesday, 30 June 2021
Do you know how the food chain works?
A food chain shows the feeding relationship between different organisms in a particular environment. Energy is passed from the sun to producers,from producers to consumers,and from consumers to decomposers such as fungi. They also show how animals depend on other organisms for food.
The food chain comprises plants and producers.They absorb sunlight from the soil and produce their food. Plants are the only living being who produce new energy for the other living being.Consumers Animals are consumers.This is because they do not produce energy. They just use it up.
Animals that eat plants are called primary consumers or herbivores.Those that eat other animals are called secondary consumers, or carnivores. If a carnivore eats another carnivore, it’s called a tertiary consumer. Some animals eat both plants and animals. In the process they break them down and plants decompose them.
When that happens, they release nutrients and minerals back into the soil which then is used by plants.Humans are the end of the food chain.They eat both plants and animals that consume other forms of energy. A food web is a natural interconnection of different food chains.
Therefore, the food chain protects and maintains a good ecosystem by balancing the population of organisms.