Beep Beep next stop the Paralympics. Have you ever heard about the paralympics before? The paralympics is where disabled athletes show their AMAZING talents no one is perfect everyone is different special and unique in their own funny ways. Remember that you need to believe in yourself to achieve. The paralympics is full of incredible athletes with special gifts. Can you think of one special gift that you have? It can be the tiniest thing like having food a loving family for this wonderful day shelter under your head. In fact I'm very thankful that I have all these great things a loving family food this wonderful day and some Great friends.
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Tuesday, 31 August 2021
Ready to learn about the Paralympics?
Monday, 30 August 2021
Are You A Genius Maths Master...
Transformation of my cat into a killer whale/killer whale facts
Here's a great idea for costume why don't you turn your pet into an animal or you. Today we had to research facts about an animal there were books based on our reading difficulty the book that I got was killer whales. Did you know that killer whales eat other whales to crazy right? This is my facts and information slides about killer whales also you can get to see a hilarious/outrageous creation of Sim-Sim my cat being turned into a killer whale. I found it difficult to transform my cat into a killer whale. I found trouble-free to find facts and information about killer whales. Please tell me in the comments what you enjoyed about this and what I could change/work on next time. I hope you enjoy it...
Thursday, 26 August 2021
Day in my life lockdown journal
How can you help sea life?
Here we go again another FUN! lock down learning task... This time we had to learn about how we can protect sea life and why sea life is very important. If you have seen my latest blog post it would of been ''Earth friendly composting''. Just like that we did a new one about sea life. Every year a lot of waste and plastic have been killing the marine animals just like us humans we have homes to live in but sea life and the wild sometimes don't have any shelter at all. So we should all stop doing that and now reuse the plastic to make something useful. You could make a plastic bottle into a bird feeder maybe somewhere to put plants in and grow them. There are hundreds of things we can reuse out of unwanted things. Here is my slide show of how we can all save sea life.
Wednesday, 25 August 2021
Earth friendly composting
Have you ever wondered that by doing Composting it provides us with such good nutrient foods?
What is it?
Instead of throwing old banana peels and rotten fruits and vegetables, have you tried using compost? It's not only good for throwing away old stinky food but it’s also good for the environment. Composting is an environmentally good way for nature.
How is it made?
In our everyday lives we eat lots of protein food like vegetables and fruits that are very healthy. Those healthy foods are made from compost. Bugs and worms produce compost which usually looks like dirt. Bugs and worms are special and they play a very big role in our ecosystem. They are the decomposers whose jobs are to break down dead old organisms making lots of nutrients available to the primary composers. The foods inside the compost have a colour combo usually they are green for vegetables, fruits and brown for leaves/hay.
The benefits of composting
Not only do we get protein food but they also get protein food as well because the old food we give to the earth’s friendly decomposers are eaten by themselves and our food is protein to them so it's like an equal deal we get protein food and so do they.
We should be very thankful for the everyday food that is provided by our earth's friendly decomposers and all the others. So remember to think about who helped us provide the lovely vegetables, plants and fruits.
Have you seen any magic recently here we go!
Monday, 23 August 2021
Most friendly and highly intelligent marine mammals in the sea world...
Are you ready because I am, I'm about show the Most friendly and highly intelligent marine mammals in the sea world...One of them is dolphins. That's what I'm researching about. Dolphins can learn very fast they are very quick learners. They can do all sorts of tricks and can also be a little cheeky sometimes but they have a very sweet personality but once they get to know you they will be very attached to you. Dolphins love fish do you love fish? us humans drink water to be hydrated dolphins on the other hand eat fish to be hydrated the fish is like water to them. Dolphins are very nice and friendly to all if you be nice to them they will be nice back to you. I found it difficult to write all the facts in and I found easy to get information. Please tell me in the comment if you enjoyed seeing this and what I should change next time.
Have you ever seen a unicorn cat and bunny human?
Today Sim-Sim my cat and me took some funny photo of us I was bunny human and Sim-Sim was a unicorn cat. Sim-Sim had a horn on his head and he looked a unicorn he was actually supposed to to be a bunny but one of his fake bunny ear fell of and the other bunny was leaning in the middle so he kind of looked like a unicorn cat not a bunny cat. It was a little hard to take a photo of him because he kept moving and didn't want to be in the photo especially with the unicorn horn on his head. The end was the best part I could look at the photo and finally take the unicorn horn of Sim-Sim so he wouldn't stop scratching his unicorn horn and meowing.
Fly high in the sky can you guess what it is?

Sunday, 22 August 2021
''We need to break the chain''
Today, I would like to give a special blog post that is ''We need to break the chain''. We need to save and protect our nation and world from this pandemic. First of all, we should be very grateful for the healthcare facilities that we all have and getting optimum care to those who needed on time. Secondly, those people who don't have all the amenities which we have, so we should donate to charity and think about those poor who are underprivileged. Therefore, we should make sure that not to waste it because everything has its own value, no matter what. We are going through a hard time but I promise you that it will be worth in the end, if we follow the instructions given by our government to protect our folk from this pandemic. We need to make our earth a better place for us to live. I am so thankful for the people who understand the situation and take appropriate actions by getting immunized and isolating themselves those who have been close contact with Covid-19 case. I am really proud of our frontline workers who works 24/7 for our well-being. Please each and everyone of you make our earth/nation a better place by social distancing, hand washing, using sanitizers and wearing masks, that's the only thing I wish you all do without any hesitations. We can follow and definitely we can break the chain together...Then, we all have a safe and happy earth:)...
Friday, 20 August 2021
Adorable Minecraft baby Panda
A new adventure awaits today...Are you ready to find out what is. This week we had a lot of tasks we could do one of them was this that I'm about show you we could make an animal on minecraft make it's habitat and food that it eats the animal I choose was a panda. I made my black and white baby panda with bamboo for it to eat. My panda has a red heart in the middle which says little cute panda cub...Pandas are one of my top four favorite animals. In my opinion I think that pandas are cute, cuddly, warm, and furry with a loving heart. Please tell me in the comments if you enjoyed seeing my minecraft baby panda also please give me some feedback on what I could change next time. I hope you enjoy it...
Are you ready to see my creative art in word cloud?
Thursday, 19 August 2021
Have you seen a Jigsaw planet before?
My Masterpiece Prayer Space...
Wednesday, 18 August 2021
Keen to know about robots?
In Ruma Rua we have been learning about robots and we designed our very own robots. My robot is a waiter drone it's name is Drono. Drono is a very active waiter drone who serves people food in restaurants. The reason why I made Drono is because waiter sometimes get tired and stressed out when doing their work also not many people like being waiters and robots like Drono never get tired of doing work that's what robots are made for. Drono the drone can fly, talk, and get their order Drono has a stand on top and it's secured properly so that the food and plate can't fall off. Drono always has a bright smile on his face entertains the customers with his beautiful lovely eye catching colour that glows like stars in the night. I would appreciate it if you could please comment on what I could change next time Thank you...
Friday, 13 August 2021
Bee Factual
In Ruma Rua we have been learning about bees. I learnt that bees are from the Apidae family also known as the insect family. We learnt this for reading and writing. If a bee stings you the bee will die and the abdomen will come off with the stinger. My learning went well. It was easy to find facts but a little hard to record the facts on my slides. If you please comment on what did well and I could change next that would be really sweet.
A sweet business
We were learning about bees for reading and writing so we read this book about bees in our groups. How the bees pollinate the flowers and why they are so important in this world and also the different stages of a bee. My learning went great. The only thing found very difficult was finding facts and making it into words. But I still managed to do it. Please feel free to comment on what I could change next time.
Tuesday, 10 August 2021
The land of the rising sun art work
Have you ever seen an art work of the rising sun well last week in class we have been learning about Japan so we did an art work of the rising sun. The big tower is called a pagoda a pagoda is like a temple. People pray in it to bring good luck to their countries and the world.
Thursday, 5 August 2021
Mind blowing facts about Japan you never known about...
Sunday, 1 August 2021
My Faith poster...
In Ruma Rua we have been learning about Faith in R.E this week. When I think of Faith I think of a guiding light that shows you the right path to go and do. Faith is like a wifi signal. Learning about Faith made me really interested and made me want to know a lot more stuff that I didn't know about Faith already. I also learned that there is only one leader that can rule the world and planet that is only God. He has all the right to do and rule our kingdom the world.
I would really appreciate it if you could comment on what I could change next time please feel free to comment on any of my blog posts.